Lose Something?

Find it Near or Far with the [iSPOT Ultra]

Apple Certified

iSpot, built for Apple, certified by Apple

Large Apple Ultra-wideband (UWB)
to Locate Your Device

By using large iPhone user base (1 billion worldwide)

Easy to use (no new apps needed)

Simply use the existing Find My app on your iPhone, iPad or Mac to locate your iSpot device.

Not Reliant on GPS or Wi-Fi

To accurately pinpoint the location of a missing item, iSpot uses
Apple’s global Find My network found on iPhones and iPads.

Long 12-month Battery Life

With no GPS function draining the battery, iSpot will last more than
a year without requiring a new battery.

Tiny but Find Your Values

Leather Tag

Secure your iSpot in style with our sleek and durable leather case - never lose track of your valuables again


Dimension: 1.375 x 1.375 x 0.35 in
Imprint: .75 x .5 in
Color: White

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